
The Unknown Feel
-         A sonnet
Author-Sreenath R
It’s captured my mild mind
The hymn reverberating again
And again in my deep hearts core
What might be its mesmerism.
It mitigated my mind of pros and cons
Its virtue is visible but
Its real visibility is vetoed
The vigil for it denied my
Right if its vicinity
It is unique
It is unaccountable
It is tranquil and transparent
But it is now also stubborn to me
But I can feel it in my solitude

A MONOLOGUE                         Author - Sreenath R

No need to gaze below
This is something mad my fellow
                Which came from the gash of my gaunt body
When I am so moody
I could see something in my mind
But, what it is, that I could not find
                “The water lapping on the shore by the breeze
I just saw something floating and I freeze
Oh, I wonder! It’s a lamp, such one in Aladdin’s tale
If it might be the same, whether I would suffer the bale
Or the fortune will I get
Anyway it is, one’s life on a chance, to set
                What should I demand to the spirit
Or I losses my spirit
Now I have a doubt that, “is the spirit spiritual-
Or it is spiritual”-
To give me anything as my need
And good for me in its deed
                I am influenced to stop here by myself
                Since an autobiography cannot be complete by oneself.

Go To Hell . . .
Author - Sreenath R
It’s need a Harmony for everything
The hasty world nips the Harmony
Using the Hatchet and the Harpoon
Harvest Havoc from the Harsh land
Which was earlier a Heaven of Herbs
I Hesitate,  How after the Hibernation
A Hideous and heinous time comes hither
Having a Holy History.
This world of Hypocrisy Hunts Hundreds
Without Humanism with Hostility
And done Homicide.
No Hope of Honest Help but a Horrible
Holocaust will be the result.
The Haul of Hurricane makes Horror in our Haven
The Hawks of Hazard giving you the advise
Hear, it may Happen something  not Hearsay Hitherto
After this Haze which cannot be Heal.
Hold yourself for not to fall in the Hollow Hole
There you can Hear the Hum of Hornet
And Hiz of Hood
A hop to the Hope will Hit you back
Without Hurt if you Hurled out from
The Hypnosis,  you’ll Hoist to Honour

Ill Omen                                                         Author - Sreenath R     
The omen is bad
But I omit it
I am optimistic
But the opponent and its
Off springs opposes me
I want to outlive the ordeal
But I have only ordinary ordnance
I don’t want to overtake anyone
But I don’t want to become an outcast
The onset must not be one-sided
I don’t know
When the onslaught outbroke
And not know the outcome
I overlooked the outskirts
Whether someone overhear our secret
Don’t know, but I overhaul
The problem of my own army
Oh! What’s it!
It’s my obituary
Someone expressing obeisance
And obligation to me
But even for me
It’s not obvious, my bereavement
How this happen?
Because the omen was bad.